Farmer’s Growing Practices

TimestampVegetables & Herbs FruitsPlantsYou may add more info about your growing practices here:Farm/Business Name
1/10/2019 9:37:10Herbrucks’, Vermont Compost, oxidate, Bt, DiPel, Brown’s Fish Fertilizer, Maxicrop Kelp powder, Serenadesame as vegetables and herbsvermont compostAll products we use are in compliance with National Organic Standards. We do not use all products on all crops. We can answer any specific questions you have.Gaining Ground Farm
1/10/2019 10:02:06Fish and kelp fertilizer, diatomaceous earth, neem oil, Cease Organic fungicide, Spinosad Organic pesticide, humates, organic fertilizer (Fertrell) – All OMRI approved  Our main focus is cover cropping, crop rotations, using floating row covers (pest management). Spraying is done minimally and responsiblySleight Family Farm
1/10/2019 15:49:08wheat bran added to sawdust medium for mushrooms   myco gardens
1/11/2019 10:28:51MANZATE, SEVIN, CALCIUM, COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER (only when necessary)  Vegetables (other than tomatoes) are sprayed, only if necessary, before fruit is produced. Fruits must be washed thoroughly and tomatoes preferably peeled before consumption. MOUNTAIN TOP FARMS
1/13/2019 12:50:46Serenade, BT, OMRI listed fertilizers, sterile bagged manure, rock phosphate, epsom salts, gypsum, limeneem oil during dormant season only, never on fruit, OMRI listed fertilizer, wood ashespeat moss, bagged sterile manure, OMRI listed fertilizer, fish fertilizer, limemost produce is never sprayed, fruit crops are never sprayedTucker’s Garden
1/29/2019 12:34:29edible nasturtiums mint (no amendments)   osada bee farm
1/29/2019 15:01:42dolomite lime, Herbrucks & Harmony Chicken, seaweed, Alaska fish, kelp, Neem oil, pyrethrum, insecticidial soap, Nordox copper.lime, wood ashes, Alaska fish, kelp, seaweed, chicken fertilizer.insecticidial soap, neem oil, pyrethrum, chicken, fish kelp, seaweed fertilizers. no herbicides. B&L Organic
2/5/2019 4:56:20  Neptunes Harvest fish emulsion; Regicide biological fungicide; Oxidate biological fungicide; Harmony Organics all-purpose soil amendment; homemade worm castings.We were certified by CFSA from 1997 to 2001. We follow the organic standard for nurseries, but are not certified.Hog Back Ridge Herb Farm
3/4/2019 13:09:06Composted chicken manure fertilizer–Herbrucks 4-3-2, Entrust, DiPel, BioWorks Rootshield Plus, Sluggo, ALL OMRI LISTED & ALLOWED FOR CERTIFIED ORGANIC PRODUCTIONMay use Sluggo around the strawberries to help control slug damage. OMRI listedAll our starts that we sell or start for our own production uses a compost based potting mix from Vermont Compost.We are Certified Naturally Grown which is a peer to peer organization with virtually the same requirements as USDA Certified Organic. We use extensive cover cropping, crop rotations, inter-cropping with flower beds to attract beneficial insects. We purchased certified organic seeds whenever possible.Full Sun Farm, LLC
3/13/2019 13:39:57Bt, Diatomaceous Earth, Neem, Feather Meal, Blood Meal, Composted Chx Manure (Harmony), Gypsum, MineralsNo amendments  Open Ridge Farm
3/14/2019 7:52:36Please let me know if this is clear or functional list to use, Best Duane  Brown’s Fish Hydrolysate C.R. Brown Enterprises Millenniumsoils Coir™ Coconut Coir Millenniumsoils Coir™ A Division of Vgrove Inc. Worm Power WP Organic Select Granular 1.5-0.7-1.5 RT Solutions LLC DBA Worm Power Natural Mistik Dragonfly Earth Medicine SEA-90 Minerals and Trace Elements SeaAgri, Inc. Hydrolyzed Poultry Feathers Mason City By-Products, Inc. Manure (raw, from off-farm) Generic Coffee Grounds Generic Sunshine Natural & Organic Potting Mix Sun Gro Horticulture Canada Ltd. VermaMax® 4-4-2 W/9% Calcium Southern Organics & Supply Lifeforce 3-2-2 Vivid Life Sciences Avenger Weed Killer Ready To Use Avenger Products, LLC Brilliant Black Dragonfly Earth Medicine Diamond K KMS 0-0-21.5 Solution Grade Potassium Magnesium Sulfate Diamond K Gypsum Bayer Serenade ASO Bayer CropScience LP Nutri-Cast 3-4-2 Southern Organics & Supply SaferGro® pH Down pH Adjuster – Complexing Agent Safergro Laboratories Lifeforce 1-1-1 Vivid Life Sciences Tennessee Brown Rock 0-22-0 Calcium Silicate Corp. Fish Hydrolysate 2-3-1 Liquid Fertilizer Southern Organics & Supply Grotab All Natural Italpollina Spa Companion® Biological Fungicide Wettable Powder Growth Products, Ltd. Burlap Bags – Used Organic Coffee Bean bags Dynamite Roasting Company Essential Organic 1-0-1 Growth Products, Ltd. OM1 Berger Peat Moss NemaSeek Beneficial Nematodes – Hb ARBICO Organics Allganic Special 12-0-12 SQM North America Corp. Avenger Weed Killer Concentrate Avenger Products, LLC MicroStart60® 3-2-3 Perdue-AgriBusiness, LLC Manure (raw, from off-farm) Generic TIGER 90CR® Organic Sulphur AGRICULTURAL SULPHUR Tiger-Sul Products (Canada) Co. Calphos 0-3-0 Canton Mills, Inc. PBH / Nature’s Media Amendment Riceland Foods Inc. Coast of Maine Quoddy Blend Organic Lobster Compost Extra Rich Soil Conditioner for Flower & Vegetable Gardens Coast of Maine Organic Products, Inc. Berger OM2 Berger Peat Moss SoilCare Wind River Microbes, Inc. Fort Vee Potting Soil Vermont Compost Company BioRepel™ Natural Insect Repellent JH Biotech, Inc. Granular Kelp Meal 1-0-2 Southern Organics & Supply Compost Plus Vermont Compost Company Ida-Gro Pelletized Phosphate Soda Springs Phosphate II, LLC Microbac Mycorrhizal Inoculum 0.48-0.01-0.016 Southern Organics & Supply AZOMITE® Granulated Natural Trace Minerals AZOMITE Mineral Products, Inc. Sun Gro Fafard Canadian Sphagnum Peat Moss Professional Grade Sun Gro Horticulture Distribution Inc. KRUM Horticultural Perlite Carolina Perlite Company Vermaplex® Southern Organics & Supply Organic JMS Stylet-Oil® JMS Flower Farms, Inc. Black Castings™1-0.5-0.2 Vermi-technology Unlimited Aegis Irriga Mycorrhizal Inoculum Italpollina Spa AZA-Direct Botanical Insecticide Gowan Co. Black Sea Kelp Liquid Fertilizer 1-1-10 Southern Organics & Supply On-Farm Compost Generic North Country Organics® Greensand North Country Organics Wood Chips Generic BioNutrients Soluble AG 8-1-9 Growth Products, Ltd. Coast of Maine Bar Harbor Blend Premium Potting Soil For Houseplants, Hanging Baskets, Window Boxes & Outdoor Containers Coast of Maine Organic Products, Inc. Liquid Yucca Extract Derived from Yucca Shidigera 30% Yucca Schidigera Southern Organics & Supply ITALPOLLINA 4-4-4 Italpollina Spa Monterey B.t. Biological Insecticide Lawn and Garden Products, Inc. BioOrganics™ Micronized Endomycorrhizal Inoculant BioOrganics™ Radiant Green 6-3-3 Dragonfly Earth Medicine Harmony 5-4-3 Ag. Organic with 9% Calcium Environmental Products, LLC General Hydroponics Exile Insecticide / Fungicide / Miticide General Hydroponics Allganic Nitrogen Plus 15-0-2 SQM North America Corp. pH Reducer Growth Products, Ltd. TRAINER Italpollina Spa Perennial Mix Vermont Compost Company BioSoil Wind River Microbes, Inc. Liquid Humate Plus Southern Organics & Supply Maxicrop Soluble Seaweed Powder 0-0-17 Maxicrop U.S.A., Inc. Manure Compost Vermont Compost Company Gibson Berry Farm
3/14/2019 9:20:59Fertilizers & amendments: OMRI approved Dried Kelp Meal OMRI approved Herbrucks heat treated pelletized chicken manure Local, plant based compost from Danny’s DumpsterNo fruits grownOnly use of Vermont Compost Organic potting soilWe are a zero spray operation. We do not use any herbicides, pesticides, or fungicides whether they are organic approved or not. We do this in order to ensure that all living organisms can perform their lifecycle as they were intended to.New Roots Market Garden
3/14/2019 13:00:23Compost tea brewed on site; ingredients are Neptune’s Harvest Liquid Kelp, Ancient Forest Humus Compost, molasses & water. Lime will be used in the fields and we will likely also top dress beds with finished compost- though we will add this information only if we end up making that purchase.  We practice plant based growing methods. We do not use animal based products like fish emulsion, blood meal, bone or feather meal. Fertility is added to the field via cover cropping, the addition of compost and application of compost tea to the crops.Stonecrop Garden
3/18/2019 15:16:45N/AAzomite, Greensand, Rock Phosphate, Lime, Organic chicken manure. No herbicides, fungicides, or pesticides Our nut oils and other nut products are made primarily from wild harvested nuts. Asheville Nuttery
3/19/2019 15:25:02 Our orchard is pruned on a yearly basis which helps the health of the tree, those pruning are chopped into compost for the orchard floor. Pine bark nuggets and landscaping cloth are used for weed manage in our berry rows. We use dormant oil spray, pyrethrin and scout the orchard for insects and use mating disruption practices. Regular mowing of the orchard floor helps to reduce insect and fungus pressure by allowing better air circulation and leaf dryness. It also lessens the habitat for insects. Hand thinning of fruit during the growing season allows for better quality fruit. If insect pressure becomes severe then other application maybe necessary. For tree health we use dormant oil spray, lime sulfur, calcium, zinc and gypsum, We also use Regalia, Serenade, Copper, Sulfur.   Creasman Farms
3/21/2019 11:41:27Neem oil, pylo oil , copper, organiv foiliar spray,to fryilize NothingSame as herbs ediablePinch only no growth inhibitorsCountry Fields Greenhouse
3/21/2019 20:10:24Herbrucks chicken manure based fertilizer, neptune’s harvest fish/seaweed fertilizer, safer soap, pyganic, surround, dipel, regalia,Herbrucks chicken manure based fertilizerVermont Compost soil mixWe only use OMRI approved products even though we are not certified organic.Flyng Cloud Farm LLC
3/21/2019 20:49:50   All of our animals are raised on pasture to maximize animal welfare. Beef is grass-fed and grass-finished. Hogs and chickens (which aren’t ruminants so can’t be grass-fed) receive a feed that is milled two miles from us in small batches from regional ingredients. Our feed ingredients are conventionally grown (not non-gmo and not organic). Dry Ridge Farm
3/25/2019 13:40:06We are certified organic with materials approved by our third party inspector (QCS) and listed by OMRI. Vegetable Fertilizers – heat treated poultry litter, limestone, rock phosphate, and borax. Vegetable Pesticides – apidoletes, BT, knot weed extract, neem extract, yucca, copper, and hydrogen peroxide We are certified organic with materials approved by our third party inspector (QCS) and listed by OMRI. Fruit Fertilizers – heat treated poultry litter, holly care (blended) and sulfur. Fruit pesticides – BT and sulfur. We are certified organic with materials approved by our third party inspector (QCS) and listed by OMRI. No pesticides are used on our container plants. Fertilizers include: holly care, rock phosphate, heat-treated poultry litter, and limestone. More detail is available at our stand at the market or by email at Thatchmore Farm
3/30/2019 8:40:14OMRI ROCK PHOSPHATE, OMRI Pelleted Chicken Fertilizer, OMRI Pyrethrum, OMRI BT, OMRI Deer Off (greenhouse crops), OMRI Gypsum, OMRI Fish Emulsion, OMRI Hi Cal Lime. Mountain Harvest Organics compost (made from our veggie scraps and animal manure. Put on the beds 120 days prior to harvest.), Winter Cover Crops. OMRI ROCK PHOSPHATE, OMRI Pelleted Chicken Fertilizer, OMRI Pyrethrum, OMRI BT, OMRI Deer Off (greenhouse crops), OMRI Gypsum, OMRI Fish Emulsion, OMRI Hi Cal Lime. Mountain Harvest Organics compost (made from our veggie scraps and animal manure. Put on the beds 120 days prior to harvest.), Winter Cover Crops. OMRI Soil Mix, OMRI BT We are not certified Organic but we follow the National Organic Program Standards in our growing practices, just as when we were a Certified Organic Farm before the NOP became effective. We use a rotational field management system, with cover cropping, for both our livestock and our row crops. Mountain Harvest Organics
4/4/2019 6:35:40Fertility, (all omri approved) Pellitized Chicken Litter, Fish Emulsion, Humic DG, Bonemeal, Kelpmeal, Bloodmeal, Alfalfameal, Boron, Crabshell Propagation house, (all omri approved) Vermont Compost Potting Soil, Fish Emulsion, Vermiculite Disease and Pest (all omri approved) Liquid Boron, Safer Soap, Pyganic, Serenade, Regalia, Milstop, Copper Sulfate, Seduce, Spinosad, Neem Oil, Oxidate Beneficial Insects, Ladybugs, Preying Mantis, Aphidoletes, Beneficial Nematoades  We strive to not only meet National Organic Standards but to EXCEED them with all of our growing practices. Please feel free to ask us about any compound we are using, the crops we are using it on, and the reason we are using it.Ivy Creek Family Farm
4/5/2019 20:33:50Compost, Cupric Hydroxide, Sulfur, Phosphites, Xentari, Good Sanitation PracticesCompost, Cupric Hydroxide, Sulfur, Phosphites, Isomate, Ultra-Fine Spray Oil, Xentari, Calcium, Streptomycin, Venerate XC, Good Sanitation Practices “McConnell Farms firmly believes in using integrated pest management by scouting the farm and applying pesticides only when absolutely necessary. Commercial fertilizers used only used as a last resort.”McConnell Farms
 Horticulture Dormant Spray Oil, Safer Soap Regalia Bio Fungicide, Kelp Liquid Fertilizer, Fish Liquid Fertilizer Horticulture Dormant Spray Oil, Safer Soap Regalia Bio Fungicide, Kelp Liquid Fertilizer, Fish Liquid Fertilizer Blue Heron Farm
 cucumbers, squash, zuchini, onions, potatoes, figs and grapes -chicken waste, 10-10-10 tomatoes -manyes, calsom, 10-10-10 Greasy Beans-depel, 10-10-10, cabbage, brocolli depel, 10-10-10 blueberries 6-12-12    Flat Top Orchard & Greenhouse